Even if you do manage to summon Flare Neos under ideal circumstances, it doesn't have enough power to OTK Alexis, and it will have to because of its Hour of Power. Alexis, on the other hand, runs an Ice Counter deck that's extremely capable of shutting down your meager offensive options. What you do get is a ton of bricky or useless cards, including Spark Blaster, Air Hummingbird, and Ojama Black. The Jaden/Alexis duel (where Alexis has an Ice deck) is similarly hard, for more or less the same reason: because Jaden finished the duel with Flare Neos and didn't use Neo Space in that Duel, Flare Neos is your only Fusion and you don't get Neo Space.

Jaden's Elemental Heroes are played pure, more consistent, and flat-out better than your cards.

On top of that, the Destiny Heroes Aster runs in that deck are some of the worst ones available, and the deck as a whole has almost no offensive potential unless you get insanely lucky. Problem is, Aster had the Magic Poker Equation, and you don't you have to run the same Elemental Hero/Destiny Hero combo he did, a combo that has absolutely no synergy whatsoever.
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